QuadToneProfiler-Pro DN — Black and White Mastery

QuadToneProfiler-Pro DN
for macOS

A native macOS inkjet negative profiling application
for even greater printer and ink set customization when using QuadToneRIP

New Custom Curve Creation Program

The original QCDN prebuilt curves are still available to get up and running as fast as possible when using printers with the standard Epson K3 ink sets. But for photographers who really want to make the most of their process and printer, there is a powerful new curve creation program unlike any other.

The QuadToneProfiler-Pro automatic curve creation system will balance and partition quad curve files from ink sets with up to 8 ink channels. You can use the new partitioning tools with the original Epson inks or any third-party ink set. The screenshot below is using the Cone Selenium K6 inks in an Epson 1430, but also works with PiezoPro dual-quad/quint dilutions, Sandy King’s K8 dilutions, or any combination of Epson K3 and color inks.

Edit ink limits and starting and ending overlaps for each ink channel

Edit ink limits and starting and ending overlaps for each ink channel

Ink sample view to preview the density from each channel as you change the ink limits

Manually edit each channel with an intuitive curves interface and change the total ink boost or brightness in the darkroom print with a gamma control

The new curve creation system is based around a set of measurements from print of an ink separation negative and will let you do the following:

  • Control ink limits and starting and ending overlaps on a channel-by-channel basis.

  • Automatic correction from measurements of the ink separation image. 

  • Real-time partitioning, correcting, and balancing the inks when updating the limits or overlaps.

  • Intuitive graphs and color samples for previewing the ink limits and graphs of the partitioned quad curves. 

  • Use a powerful custom curve editor to further reshape and smooth each channel.

  • Add and shape additional ink channels not included in gray curve partitions.

  • Apply a gamma and boost adjustment before saving the final starter curve for the linearization steps.

New Linearization Features

The linearization system has been completely rewritten to allow for greater insight and control of measurements and correction curves. New color previews and CIELab readouts show the original and corrected output with sample patches and previews using your own images. The linearization tools will also let you save .acv curves and .cube color LUT files for use with Photoshop adjustment layers when you can’t print with QuadToneRIP or when sending files to a service bureau.

The manual output curve controls now work just like a curve adjustment in an image editor to fine tune final tonality in the final print. Additionally, the new manual curve controls can now allow you to make separate curves for duotone and multiple-layer processes like gum or cyanotype over palladium, or multi-layer carbon transfer prints.

New Linearization system with panels to preview the measured and corrected ink, the manual curve control editor, and previewing the color and tone using one of your own images

The Linearization screen has new options for finding, editing, sorting, smoothing, and correcting measurement or coating errors for even better results in your final prints.

Spot Color Tone Value Linearization

Linearize the color tint for color separation negatives used with tri-color gum bichromate or multi-color carbon transfer printing. The SCTV linearization tools use a different formula based on all three channels of the CIELab measurements that make a consistent perceptual output for both brightness and color. These corrections can be saved as .quad files for use with QTR or saved as .acv or .cube files for use with Photoshop when making image setter negatives with a service bureau.

Quad Curve Blending

Blend any two quad curve files together that can be used for adding additional blocking colors, blending dual tri/quad/quint ink sets, or two curves linearized at different printing times. This is really useful for achieving even more overlap from adjacent shades for even smoother final prints

Advanced Manual Quad Editor and Quad Levels Tools


Edit each ink channel individually to fine tune the smoothness, the overall shape, and the additional overlap as needed. The boost and gamma controls can be useful for lightening or darkening the final print when applying multiple coatings or printings from separation negatives.

Quad Levels Screen.png

A levels adjustment for quad files that will remap the ink load between new input and output points. This is useful for processes that don’t need as much ink to block the highlights or you need to move more ink into the shadows, but not increase or change the overall ink load.

Quad Ink Remapping Utility

Swap or duplicate ink channels with an easy to use interface and visual feeback of the edited quad file before saving. This eleminates the need to open the .quad file in a text editor and removes the potential for corrupting the quad file with incorrect numbers of ink values.

Remap quad screen.png



  • macOS High Sierra (10.13) through Ventura (13.x)

  • Any Epson Printer supported by QuadToneRIP

  • QuadTone RIP to serve as the print driver for macOS

  • PrintTool (on macOS) for printing the calibration images without color management and easier printing in general

  • A measurement device and software

Supported Printers

  • Any QuadToneRIP-supported Epson printer and ink set (OEM or Custom)

Supported Measurement Devices

  • i1 Pro rev D,E,F with i1Profiler, ArgyllCMS

  • DTP-70 and SpectroScan automated chart readers with ColorPort

  • ColorMunki or i1 Studio with ArgyllCMS

  • SpyderPrint

  • Manual densitometers

  • Reflective flatbed scans using QuadToneRIP StepWedge Tool (with recommended Kodak/Tiffen Q13 grayscale calibration target)

Supported Measurement file formats

  • CGATS .txt

  • ArgyllCMS .ti3

  • SpyderPrint .txt

  • ColorMunki .csv

  • QTR-Linearize Data -out.txt

  • DataTool .txt

  • Single Column logD density measurements